Friday, June 1, 2012

CONCLUSION: Short vs. Long Vowel Sounds (English - Spanish)

             In English there are short and long vowel sounds that are a derivation of the cardinal vowels. First of all, a cardinal vowel is a vowel sound produced when the tongue is in an extreme position, either front or back, high or low. Then, the short vowel sounds is one whose duration is short and can have quite different lengths in different contexts. After, long vowel sounds are longer than normal, or short, vowels. There are five long vowels that are different from the six short vowels. On the other hand, in Spanish we have only the five vowels without derivations. In conclusion, short and long vowel sounds in English are more difficult to learn because we are Spanish-speakers, for this reason these sounds must be taught carefully to understand the idiom in a best way to develop an excellent fluency in English. Unquestionably, Spanish vowel sounds are easier to learn and understand for people who are learning a new language.  


1 comment:

  1. I think that you need to put more emphasis in the difference between English and Spanish vowels using words as examples.In the other hand ,you explained very well in your post about the vowels' origen through videos.good idea.Remember each Spanish vowel (open or closed) has just only one sound.
